



 Viral infections but there may be fever and signs of supper respiratory tract infection.  In typhoid  the effects  of septicaemia may predominate  treatment rapid rehydration  is required, 

Usually intravenously.  If there  is delay  in this in severe casse, volume depletion  may cause  peripheral circulatory shock  resulting  in impaired  placental  circulation, 

Which can cause intrauterine fetal death. Specific  treatment depends on the causation of the infection and on drugs available. Ampicilling, co.treimoxazole or tetracycline are prescribed for shigella infections and chloramphenicol for typhoid and other salmonella  infections. 


stools  containing  mucus and  blood results from invasion of the  bowel wall by pathogens and damage to colonic mucosa. Immediate examination of a fresh stool sample is necessary to search for entammoeba histolytica. If this has been excluded,

The cause of the illness may be a shigella or a pathogenic strain of e .coli ,staphylococcus or campylobacter. Admission to hospitals is required. The further management of patients with bloody dysentery is the same as that described for complicated acute watery diarrhea, but recovery will take longer, 


Amoebec dysentery  during  pregnancy has a high  mortality which is partly  due to delay in diagnosis. Even when Amoebiasis is a remote possibility, therfore, Microscopic examination of a fresh stool is essential. This must be performed  without delay in an adjacent clinical side room, 

Not send to a distant laboratory if active  trophozoites are to be identified. In acute cases  there  is profuse and blood diarrhoea fever,  abdominal destension and anaemia  are consistent  findings. Peripheral circulatory collapse develops quickly due to fluid and electrolytes loss or, later,  to bowel hemorrhage or perforation .specific treatment must be commenced clinically . Metronidazole is the treatment of choice irrespective of the duration of pregnancy. Fluid and  electrolyte deficiencies should  be replaced usually intravenously and,

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