


 Asepsis  and  antinsepsis is necessary and measure  for reducing third stage blood  loss  are essential, including  the  use  of prophylactic oxytocics and prompt repair  of genital,tract tears.next in importance is the labour ward (or deliverey) book.all staff must be constantly reminded of the importance of correct and complete entries into the deliverey book. Entries are made about each delivery and they must be made 

Within the first two hours of delivery. Delivery book  is useful  for day to day  ward management and for audit purposes. As regards day to day ward management the deliverey book is the point  of reference during changes in shift duty. In addition, 

The mere act of daily  scrutiny  of the delivery book by the physician on call leads to improved maternity  care and perinatal outcome.for audit purposes, the Midwife in chorge products from the contents of  the delivery book a weekly summary of perinatal  events. This includes the proportion of low -birth-weight babies, 

Perinatal deaths, multiple birth, operative deliveries,  vaginal breech delivery and intrapartum complications and their treatmen .the formal presentation of these perinatal events should take place. At weekly perinatal audit sessions made compulsory for the medical, Midwifery and nursing staff. Full discussions are provided in  chapter 3, to which the reader is referred


NEONATAL care during  and  beyond the immediate post -delivery period is described in chapter 17 and 18. The principles involved are NEONATAL resuscitation umbilical  cord care to avoid hemorrhage and  infections, the provision  of warmth, the establishment of breastfeeding and the insistence on early transfer to the special care baby unit as soon as  the need arises. 


In the absence of immediate post delivery complications, Early discharge at the end of the first  12 hours  after an uneventful delivery  or at end  of the first  overnight stay should be encouraged. The baby should be put to the breast within the  first hour after delivery .where there are no domiciliary  services, 

Instructions on postpartum care at home should be given and the woman told to report back to hospitals at any time in the event of excessive vaginal bleeding, 

The development of underwent complicated deliveries stay in hospital for a week , although some in reasonable health can leave as early as the fourth day and return for wound inspection an and suture removal on the eighth day post delivery. Breastfeeding must start within the first  six hours after an operative delivery . 

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